Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Update on Assessment and Treatment.

Obsessive compulsive disorder is as common as that it effects almost 1.5-2% world population. Mild form of OCD remains undiagnosed, and almost 20. % seeks advice or treatment. It is one of the most disabling disorder among all disease.

Symptoms includes,repeated hand washing, repeated calculation, rechecking details, repeated reassurance to seek comfortable, sexual obsessions, etc.
Religious and Sexual OCD effects most. Patients of OCD consumes most of his or her day time with preoccupation with obsessions and compulsions.

Depression and anxiety disorders are two to three times more common in OCD patients.

  • Check your depression on - Hamilton Depression Rating Scale
  • Check your anxiety level on - Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale
To make you understand easily, OCD is disease where your main server of brain (thalamus) does not process information from frontal lobe of brain with limbic system(another area of brain that control emotion memory and emotional memory).
People with OCD are in discomfort but they don’t know the right approach to treat this disorder.

New way to manage OCD

Commonly used treatment modalities are Medications or Psychotherapy or both. Exposure and response prevention is most common therapy used in clinical practice. Among medications, SSRi drugs remains the number one choice.
About 33 percent patients do not respond to either of the treatment options and suffer continuously. There are new researches going to find better way to treat OCD

  • Role of Glutamate (chemical in brain) , it has studied that abnormally higher level of glutamate may significantly effect OCD prognosis. Inhibiting glutamate is this major breakthrough to treat OCD.
Ketamine, (act on glutamate receptors) new trending Drug used to treat resistant depression very quickly, might have role in OCD.
- Riluzole, newer medicine has been tested in OCD patients and is getting promising results

  • Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation (tVNS) is side effect free treatment modality to treat OCD. tVNS has shown remarkable results when used along with medicines.
- Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation is recent treatment to improve OCD symptoms and depression
- tVNS acts by balancing serotonin and creating harmony between thalamus and frontal lobe

Note from Osho Clinic
  1. All treatment facilities are available with Osho Clinic.
  2. Careful assessment of your OCD, would lead to better treatment options.
